Hyperbaric oxygen can accelerate the removal of residual brain edema and the regeneration of collagen fiber and capillary vessel as well as the restoration of focus of infection. 高压氧还可加速残留脑水肿的清除,加速胶原纤维和毛细血管的再生,加速病灶的修复。
The term pyelonephritis refers to immediate and residual effects of bacterial infection in the kidney. 肾盂肾炎一词系指肾脏遭细菌感染的直接或遗留后果。
Residual Biliary Calculus and Infection After Choledochostomy on Glycometabolic, Lipometabolic and Trace Element Alterations in Bile 术后胆道残余结石及感染对胆汁糖、脂肪及微量元素分泌的影响
Measures such as insecticide-treated nets or indoor residual spraying may help protect populations in endemic regions from infection. 例如使用经杀虫剂处理的蚊帐或室内滞留喷洒措施等,均有助于保护流行地区人口免受感染。
Results One patient missed the operative chance because of serious pulmonary hypertension. The complication's incidence was 11.7% in operated patients, in which one died, one with arrhythmia, one with residual leak after operation and one with lung infection. 结果1例病人因严重肺动脉高压失去手术机会,手术组病人术后并发症发生率为11.7%,1例死亡,1例心律失常,1例术后残余漏,1例肺部感染。
Results: All the66 cases weren't showed abdominal residual abscess, infection of portal vein and pyemia. 结果:66例患者手术后均未出现腹腔残余脓肿、门脉感染及脓毒血症。
Residual atone, obstruction, urinary tract infection and metabolic disorders were the main risk factors of stones recurred after surgical removal. 结石残留、梗阻因素、尿路感染和代谢紊乱是尿路结石术后复发的主要因素。
In the treatment group, incision infection occurred in 8 cases and there was 3 cases of residual abdominal infection. 治疗组切口感染8例,腹腔残余感染3例。全组1例因合并心衰死亡。
During the last stage of residual infection, abdominal abscesses should be drained thoroughly. 残余感染期治疗重点是腹腔内残腔的彻底敞开引流。
One case of abdominal residual infection and 1 case of adhesive ileus were cured with conservative treatment postoperatively. 腹腔残余感染、粘连性肠梗阻各1例,保守治愈;
Postoperative complication include residual end bleeding, urinary tract infection, delayed incision healing and deep vein thrombosis of the lower limps. 术后并发症为残端出血,尿路感染,腹部切口愈合不良和下肢深部静脉血栓。
Results The incidences of voiding dysfunction, residual urine, urinary retention and urinary tract infection were lower in the experimental group than those in the control group ( P < 0. 01). 结果试验组术后排尿困难、残余尿、尿潴留及泌尿系统感染发生均低于对照组(P<0.01)。
The common postoperative complications of the 220 survivors included residual lesions, dysfunction of multiple organs, infection and ventilator dependence. 存活的220例中术后主要并发症包括残余病变、重要脏器功能不全、感染和呼吸机依赖等。
Follow-up checkups for 3~ 29 months ( mean, 14 months) in 49 cases found no intestinal obstruction or abdominal residual infection. 49例随访3~29个月,平均14个月,无肠梗阻、腹腔内残余感染等发生。
Of the 13 patients who underwent the second LEEP for residual disease or recurrence, 12(( 92.3%)) also had persistent HR-HPV infection. 因CIN残留或复发而再次行LEEP术的13例患者中,检测到12例(92.3%)仍有高危型HPV感染。
Results In the preventive group, incision infection occurred in 4 cases and no residual abdominal infection was observed. 结果预防组切口感染4例,腹腔残余感染无。
Residual risk research of HIV infection after blood screening in one county in China 我国某县血液筛选后传播艾滋病病毒的残余危险度研究
The complications of reoperation were happened in 3 cases. Among them, fecal fistula was found in 2 cases and peritoneal residual abscess associated with incisional infection in 1 case. 再次手术的术后并发症3例,其中粪瘘2例,腹腔残余脓肿并切口感染1例。
PURPOSE: Ureterscope lithotripsy ( URL) is mainly used minimally invasive therapy for middle/ lower ureteral calculi. But complications such as residual stone, pain, infection, haematuria, decline of renal function cause trouble to both doctor and patient. 输尿管镜碎石术(URL)是当前治疗输尿管中下段结石的主要微创方法,但术后相应并发症如:结石残留、疼痛、感染、血尿、肾功能下降等困扰医患双方。
Chinese herbal medicine belongs to natural and has many advantages.: no pollution, little toxicity and the lower residual levels of toxic substance. It play an active role in modern infection prevention and control. 中草药属于天然药物,具有无污染、毒副作用小、残留毒物量少等优点,在现代预防和控制感染疾病中发挥了积极作用。
All patients showed no detrusor overactivity, bladder atony, residual urine volume ≥ 100ml, neurogenic bladder, acute urinary tract infection and acute vaginal infections. 所有患者均无逼尿肌过度活动、膀胱收缩乏力、残余尿量≥100ml、神经源性膀胱、急性尿路或阴道感染的情况。